Welcome to Thongchai McIntyre's Home Page


Bird Thongchai McIntyre

The most popular singer and actor of Thailand.

People known him as Bird and they call him is

"Superstar All The Time"


"No.1 Entertainer of Thailand"


About Bird Thongchai McIntyre
Almost everything you want to know and some pictures you never see before.

Bird's Alphabets
Everything about Bird is in alphabetical.

Bird's New Release and Bird's New Coming
Bird's new release and new coming are all about his news, pictures and more.

Bird's Updates Page
This is where I'll be putting all of my favorites about Bird

Bird's Music, Bird's Music Video and Bird's Jukebox

Many songs of P'Bird for download, Music Video Pictures and his latest album

Babb Bird Bird 2000 Aroka, Bird's MP3 songs

(Last updated 30/05/00 07:37:20)



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Profile: Bird's Information and Biography

Song: Bird's Albums and you can click some songs in each albums (recomanded)

Concert: Album Concert, Special Concert and Babb Bird Bird

Picture: Bird's pictures, so many pictures of him (recomanded)

TV Lakorn: Bird's TV Lakorns

Movie: Bird's Movies

News: Latest news of P'Bird

Fanclub: P'Bird's Fanclub for everyone who love P'Bird like me...

Chatroom: For everyone who want to talk and share your opinion about P'Bird

Cool Links: Others P'Bird's homepage from my friends

Hot Links: Many websites for your interesting


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